Progress Reports Every time around this year, teachers start to send out a report with your child’s grades. These progress reports can tell you a lot about how your child is doing so far. Are you unsure of what to look for? These reports can be key indicators of an unidentified learning disorder as well as the need for more individualized teaching methods needed for your child to make the progress s/he should be making. Not to worry, we are going to break down progress reports for you … [Read more...]
Asking for an Assessment
The end of the summer is approaching fast. The 2015-2016 school year will be upon us before we know it! For some of you, the new school year will bring with it the all too familiar IEP meetings you have been attending for months or even years. For another group of you, this new school year is an opportunity to address your child’s educational needs for the first time. If you fall under the second group this blog is perfect for you! We will help you with the … [Read more...]
Educational Therapist Vs. Tutor
Educational Therapist Vs. Tutor Time and time again we are told by parents that they are spending a lot of money on tutors for their children in hopes of helping with school difficulties. Tutors can be helpful to support a struggling student. However, what many parents don't realize is it’s highly probable their child would benefit more from an educational therapist. The main difference between a tutor and an educational therapist is that a tutor is meant to provide support for … [Read more...]
Executive Function
Executive Function Executive function is a set of skills that permit a student to make decisions, organize thoughts, prioritize tasks, manage time and problem solve. Executive function gives a student the ability to set goals; plan how to complete a project; prioritize tasks; organize time, materials and information; hold and manipulate information in working memory, and to monitor one’s own progress. Success in school depends on a student’s effective executive function. Students can have … [Read more...]