Preparing for the Transition The end of the school year is approaching and many of you may be having your children transitioning into new schools for the fall. Having your child in a whole new environment can be a very frightening thing for parents and you may be concerned with whether it will be the best placement for your child. Luckily we have a few tips for you that will hopefully ease your transition. Talk to your IEP team members ahead of time about your concerns: As a group … [Read more...]
Dear Parents, As you may have heard, the Cal Dep of Ed is being investigated for not properly monitoring the provisions of special education services to students with disabilities in the State of CA. As part of this investigation, student records are to be viewed. Please be aware that Local school districts have been sending “opt out” letters for parents to sign, hoping to discourage disclosure of wrong doing. I would like to encourage you NOT to opt out, so that we can hold CDE accountable. I … [Read more...]
Draft IEP
We always advise being as well prepared as possible for your child’s IEP meetings. This of course means being able to review the majority of the documents presented at your child’s IEP to give you some time to formulate any questions or comments to present during the meeting. Sometimes a draft IEP is sent home for Parents to review prior to any meetings if you request it. As a part you can have mixed emotions about being presented with “draft” IEPs as the district can … [Read more...]
Inclusion Facts
DOES INCLUSION WORK? Somewhere along your child’s IEP process you will more than likely come along the term “inclusion”. You might come across it as you are researching the best options for your child. If this term is still an unfamiliar one do not worry we will be providing you with some important information regarding inclusion. When done right it can be very beneficial and successful for all students. What is inclusion? Inclusion is the practice in which children with disabilities are … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences
5 tips for Parent Teacher Conferences Following progress reports are parent teacher conferences. You will most likely have two parent teacher conferences to review your child’s progress. One will be during the first half of the school-year and the second closer to the end. It is very important for you to attend these meetings and to know where your child stands. These conferences can sometimes go by so fast you forget what you should be focusing on. Not to worry, … [Read more...]